Welcome to our brand new website.
It's been a bit of a pacing marathon - with a 30 minute timer being employed regularly for the past 2 weeks to stop me sitting for too long and completely messing up my symptoms. It's worked though. I've published the new website without having burnt out, and have only aggravated my symptoms within what I consider acceptable limits.
(Having said that, I think dinner tonight may be a takeaway. Zero-prep, comfort/relief food is needed!)
It's very different to the old site but hopefully easier to find things on -with a few more clicks, but less brain required.
If you create an account you can do useful things like: choose whether to be notified when blog posts are published, create a wishlist, save your address etc.
If you were signed up to our old enews, you don't need to sign up again. We'll import that list in a few days when I'm confident any major issues have been ironed out. If you weren't signed up and want to be - just go to the footer and you can subscribe to emails there. (Once subscribed, you can unsubscribe using the unsubscribe button on the bottom of any enews sent from this site)
And that's all my brain has for now! I'm off to have a rest-evening.
Enjoy your browsing!